Is Trying Online Dating In Your Twenties Too Young?

Is Trying Online Dating In Your Twenties Too Young?

You are in your twenties and you are wondering if considering online dating makes you odd.

You are in your prime after all.

You are supposed to be out there having the time of your life and meeting new prospective dates.

Instead, you find yourself at home on a Friday night pondering the thought of joining an online dating site.

Are you too young to try it?

Does it make you a loser or desperate?

A resounding “NO” on all three counts.

This is a new age and online dating has gone mainstream.

Meeting someone at work, some social event or through friends doesn’t mean that you are going to meet the right person for you.

As a human being, breaking away from tradition can be uncomfortable.

However, traditions can be broken for the better without necessarily sacrificing all of it.

You don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket.

You can still meet people the more “traditional” route but what’s wrong with adding online dating to the mix?

After all, what is the end goal?

To meet someone.

Whether you end up meeting the love of your life through friends or through an online dating site it doesn’t change the fact that you have met the love of your life.

Whether you meet them online or offline, they are still a living, breathing human being.