Dating Humor: Moving Ahead

Dating Humor: Moving AheadAn attractive single woman has been in line at a coffee shop for a while. Her office is nearby and she has an important meeting to attend to.

She asks the guy in front of her if he wouldn’t mind letting her move ahead of him as she has a very important meeting to attend to.

After some discussion, he kindly lets her move ahead of him.

She asks the same of the next man.

After some discussion, he kindly lets her move ahead of him as well.

So do the rest of the men in line until she reaches the man who stands at the head of the line.

When she asks him if he’d kindly let her move ahead as she has a very important meeting to attend to and couldn’t afford to be late, he says, “I’ll let you in ahead of me if you promise to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

The woman says, “Okay, you have a deal.”

He lets her move in front of him.

She orders her coffee and is in a hurry to leave when the man calls out after her, “So how do I get in contact with you?”

She replies, “Ask one of the men behind you.”