Dating Humor: Sick Days

Dating Humor: Sick DaysMarvin has a new girlfriend in his life.

As a result of wanting to spend more and more time with her, he starts calling in sick to work.

This is very uncharacteristic of Marvin.

He diligently calls in sick to work several times in the course of the next 2 weeks.

Finally, his boss confronts him at work. “You have no more sick days left. You will not be able to miss a day of work for the rest of the year.”

Marvin gives his boss a Doctor’s note.

The note reads, “Due to a strange disorder that we cannot diagnose at this time, my patient, Marvin Jayson will not be able to work for the foreseeable future. Please ensure that he continues to retain all of his employee benefits. P.S. Any attempts to investigate the validity of this note could result in legal action.”