Online Dating: How To Get Rid Of Anxiety And Enjoy The Process?

Online Dating: How To Get Rid Of Anxiety And Enjoy The Process?

Women are deluged with matches on dating apps.

Although this sounds like a wonderful thing, it isn’t always.

This creates anxiety in a lot of women, making the process of online dating seemingly overwhelming.

Who do you respond to?

Who should you prioritize?

What happens if you start a conversation with someone and it gets boring?

How do you keep up with having multiple conversations with multiple men happening at the same time?

How long does it take before it is appropriate to exchange contact information or arrange a date?

There are so many questions that go through your head when you are online dating and receiving more matches than you know what to do with.

Some women have taken it as far as quitting online dating altogether because of how overwhelming it is.

No woman in real life gets this much attention.

When a woman comes from real life into the digital world of online dating, she has no idea what she is about to be deluged with.

Being that she has no history receiving this overwhelming volume of attention from men in the real world, she is literally stuck staring at her matches unsure of how to get the ball rolling with any of them.

Then she unfortunately runs into the men who get rude.

They are unhappy that she hasn’t responded to a message they sent her or that she takes too long to respond to their messages.

All of a sudden, the woman isn’t strictly dealing with how to manage all her matches, she is now dealing with unhappy men who feel like she is ignoring or devaluing them.

This creates even more anxiety on her part.

This online dating thing was supposed to be a solution to the dearth of romance in her love life.

She was hoping to find a romantic partner.

The last few weeks since she signed up on a dating site, it has felt like more of a job than an enjoyable process.

She wonders whether she made the right move in signing up.

To make things worse, the men are getting more and more brazen.

A guy she was having a conversation with suddenly sent a very rude message complaining about the fact that she hadn’t gotten back to him in several days and he knows she has been online since his last message to her.

What was she supposed to do?

She has a life in the real world.

She can’t spend every waking moment having conversations with guys online.

She would have no life in that case.

This isn’t what she signed up for.

As a woman experiencing this much anxiety in online dating, you need to take a breath.

Indeed, it begins to feel like a job after a while and keeping up with various conversations you are having with different guys while receiving multiple new matches each and everyday, is absolutely overwhelming and impossible for one human being.

Think about hiding your dating profile.

Yes, hiding it.

Instead of having it out on display for the world to see, keep it hidden.

For an hour or so a day, log into your dating app and look through dating profiles.

Whenever you see someone that piques your interest, send him a message or a like, and make your dating profile visible to him.

This allows you to have a lot of control over the matching process and eliminates the bedlam of attention that comes with making your dating profile public.

People who are proactive in online dating get the best results, so don’t be afraid to be the one who initiates contact.

Also, there are some dating apps, such as Bumble, that are designed for the woman to make the first move, so that she isn’t inundated with messages from a bunch of men, many of them rude and overzealous.

Find dating apps that work like this and sign up on them.

Taking out the overwhelming nature of online dating in terms of the volume of matches you receive and the expectations that come with it, reduces the anxiety and makes online dating a much more enjoyable process.

Hiding your dating profile and keeping it exclusive to strictly the men you have found who interest you on a dating site, is how you avoid the bedlam and keep yourself in control of your love life.

The dream of meeting your life partner is alive and well.