Online Dating: How To Open Conversation With Someone With No Bio?

Online Dating: How To Open Conversation With Someone With No Bio?

Glean information from the person’s pictures.

A few pictures on their dating profile provides nuggets of insight into the person and their interests.

Even when there isn’t much to glean from the pictures, open conversation by asking about where the picture was taken or taking a guess as to where it was.

In addition, look to something within the picture to use as a conversation opener.

Something in the background for instance or what the person is wearing.

Besides her pictures, look to see whether she filled out questionnaires on her dating profile.

This information provides further insight into who she is as a person?

Use information gleaned from the questionnaires to open a conversation with her, through asking an open-ended question in reference to a piece of information she filled out.

Information filled out in questionnaires are a nice reference point when you are discerning whether you two have similar interests and values.

Relating to her on those interests in your opening message entices her to respond.

Besides questionnaires, look into whether the dating app has video introductions.

A video introduction is yet another area to glean information that you can use to open a conversation with her.

Although most people prefer using text to write about themselves on dating apps, there are a minority that prefer using video.

She may be in that minority.

See whether she made one.

Then, there are icebreaker questions.

Icebreaker questions are renowned for being good conversation openers due to how they trigger interesting concepts.

An icebreaker question that asks her to make a choice between two different options and give her reasoning as to why, has you on the right track with your conversation opener.

This icebreaker question opens up a conversation that is fun, while providing compelling insight into who she is as a person.

How about putting the onus on her to get back with you.

Being that she doesn’t have a bio, send her a message asking her to take a look at your bio and message you back if she wants to chat.

This is polite.

Instead of addressing the fact that she doesn’t have a bio and giving her a hard time about it, you put the ball in her court by telling her to check out your bio.

Finally, there is good old social media.

In your opening message to her, politely ask for her social media.

You would be surprised at how many people on dating apps are fine with giving out their social media handles upon request.

Upon receiving it, you now have access to a greater amount of information about her to aid you in opening up a proper conversation with her.

Another option is to consider getting online when she is active.

Check her profile to see when last she was online.

Plan to be online at the same time.

In catching her live, you have the benefit of sending her an instant message saying hello and introducing yourself.

A woman is more prone to responding to a message and engaging in conversation when you catch her live.