Online Dating: Should You Feel Bad About Swiping Left Over 99% Of The Time?

Online Dating: Should You Feel Bad About Swiping Left Over 99% Of The Time?

You shouldn’t feel bad.

You know what you are looking for in a partner and 99% of the people you swipe left on don’t have it.

Swiping left over 99% of the time means that you are very specific on what you are looking for.

However, do understand that if you are extremely picky on what you are looking for, the dating app is eventually going to start lagging in sending you matches.

Right now, you aren’t having any issues with receiving matches.

When you are fairly new to a dating app, the matches are aplenty.

The dating app’s algorithm naturally favors a new subscriber so as to keep them around.

But, swiping left over 99% of the time is sending a message to the algorithm that you are incredibly picky.

It is inevitable that as time passes, you are destined to receive fewer matches.

Hopefully, by this point, you have met the person of your dreams.

Nonetheless, it takes about six months to a year for most people to find a long-term partner on dating apps.

When you are blowing through so many dating profiles that are being presented to you, swiping left, the likelihood that you make it to six months without seeing a dramatic drop in the number of dating profiles you are presented is very high.

So, just know that you won’t be able to keep this up forever.

That being said, you have every right to like what you like, and if 99% of dating profiles aren’t of people who bare the specific qualities you must have in a partner, you don’t have to feel bad for swiping left on them.

These are specific qualities that you don’t want to compromise on.

So be it.

To facilitate in you finding a match that meets your requirements, consider the dating app you are using.

A 99% rate in swiping left is extremely above average.

This means that your dating app of choice doesn’t have a significant number of people who match your requirements in a partner.

In this case, consider finding another dating app that caters to the types of people you are looking for.

This prevents you from having to swipe left so often, which keeps you from feeling bad about rejecting so many people.

Be cognizant of your emotional state.

A lot of times, people keep swiping left because they are looking for someone that matches an ex to a T.

Many people get on dating apps as a form of rebound without doing the necessary work on themselves to heal emotionally.

Is this what you have done?

If so, that is why you are swiping left over 99% of the time.

You are looking for someone who matches your ex, of whom you never wanted to break up with.

With this mindset, you are going about recovering from your loss the wrong way.

The priority shouldn’t be to sign up on a dating app to find a replacement to your ex.

Instead, you must work on healing yourself emotionally.

No one is going to fill the void your ex has left, and it wouldn’t be fair to put such an expectation on people you meet on dating apps.

Take a break from dating apps and work on the emotional issues you have sustained from your past relationship.

Once fixed, you can return to dating apps.

It’s unlikely that you will keep swiping left over 99% of the time upon your return.