Online Dating: Why Did You Swipe Right On Me?

Online Dating: Why Did You Swipe Right On Me?

It irritates you when a guy asks you why you swiped right on him.

You hate how that statement alone screams of low self-confidence.

A proper conversation with him is yet to be had and you already know that his self-confidence is at rock bottom.

This is a turn off to you and you suspect to girls in general, given how much of a turn on a guy who has self-confidence is.

Whatever interest you had in this guy is irrevocably destroyed once he asks you why you swiped right on him and you write him off, not bothering to respond to his statement.

Though your irritation at this statement has legitimacy, it’s important that you don’t look at every instance where you match with a guy who asks you about why you swiped right on him as an instant signal that he has low self-confidence.

The experience of men on dating apps is exponentially different from that of women.

They don’t receive anywhere near the number of matches that women receive.

When they do receive matches, many of them are fakes goading them to give out their personal information so as to take advantage of them financially.

With this treatment, men develop a skeptical eye after a while.

Sometimes, when a guy asks you why you swiped right on him, he is protecting himself.

He doesn’t want to be led down a path that leads to his financial or personal ruin.

This component to online dating sounds like a foreign language to you, but for lots of men on dating apps, it’s a reality.

To entice these men, these fake dating profiles are occupied by women who are attractive or ultra attractive and they show it off.

Bikini pictures and selfies abound.

These pics are stolen from the vastness of the internet.

He has been matched with enough of these fake dating profiles that he has had enough.

In matching with him, he sees similarities in your dating profile with those who deceived him in the past.

Is there a redundant volume of sexy pics on your dating profile juxtaposed to a meager bio?

Stuff like this sets off alarm bells in his head, forcing him to be suspicious of your dating profile.

You aren’t one of the fakes, but he doesn’t know that.

So, it isn’t always a low self-confidence issue when a guy asks you why you swiped right on him.

In habitually getting turned off by these guys and not responding to them based on that, you are missing out on guys who have a lot of confidence but are protecting themselves from scammers.

Given how online dating is financially supported by guys primarily, scammers target men especially.

It doesn’t hurt to have a conversation with these men.

Remember that you matched with him because of the parallels you share in interests and life endeavors.

Jettisoning all that because of a phrase he used in your introduction to him in conversation isn’t the wisest tactic.

Think about giving these men the benefit of the doubt.

You might be surprised at just how self-confident a number of them are.