Is My Lack Of Success In Dating Because Of Relying Only On Dating Apps?

Is My Lack Of Success In Dating Because Of Relying Only On Dating Apps?

It’s not a good idea to rely only on dating apps to meet your dating needs.

It’s always better to diversify.

Meet people in social settings too.

Go out to social events.

Mingle with friends and make new ones at party invites.

Be a part of interest groups around activities that you love, which opens you up to meeting new people outside of your friend circle, some of whom have romantic potential.

It’s best to always diversify when you are looking to date or improve your dating life.

There are different advantages to meeting people on dating apps and meeting people in social venues.

Advantages of dating apps have to do with the sheer volume of people you could match with, and attracting matches that specifically fulfill what you are looking for in a romantic partner, based on what you stipulated in your dating profile.

It cuts to the chase so to speak.

The advantages of meeting people in real life venues is in giving them a firsthand encounter of what you are like as a person.

Instead of judging you entirely on what they see on a static dating profile, they get to judge you more fairly as a unique individual.

They hear your voice, watch your mannerisms, observe your body language, etc.

These are huge advantages in real life conversations that a dating app can’t replicate.

So, as you can see, there are advantages to both.

Solely relying on dating apps over meeting people in social venues has an adverse effect on how successful you are on dating apps too.

When you stop socializing with people of romantic potential in real life, you risk diminishing your social skills.

This affects how you go about talking to people on dating apps.

Your conversational skills struggle.

It gets much harder to keep a conversation interesting with your matches.

Before you know it, the conversation fizzles out and your match loses interest.

It all comes full circle.

Relying only on dating apps, leads to a diminishing of your conversational skills as a result of not meeting people in social venues in the real world, which then leads to a lack of good results on dating apps.

This is why you mustn’t ignore meeting people out in public.

On top of this, relying on dating apps makes people form really bad habits when they are out in public that further exacerbates their dating life.

You miss out on real life dating opportunities.

As you go about your day in public, you are too busy swiping away on a dating app or looking at your messages.

With your head down, you aren’t making eye contact with people.

You don’t look approachable.

In this vain, people who see you and find you attractive never make a move to talk to you.

A healthy balance of using dating apps and making social connections in the real world is the best blend.

With such a healthy balance, you get to reap the rewards of the two, without hurting your dating life.