Online Dating: Guy Lied About His Height, Should I Still Go On The Date?

Online Dating: Guy Lied About His Height, Should I Still Go On The Date?

No, you shouldn’t still go on the date.

He blatantly lied about his height on his dating profile.

That isn’t right.

Most people on dating sites embellish information to an extent, so as to look a little more appealing.

But it isn’t so egregious.

A man adds an extra inch or two to his height.

A woman takes a few pounds off her weight.

Embellishing isn’t a good thing, but when done minimally, it is forgivable.

Most women won’t notice it were they to meet a man from a dating app who stated that he was 6’0 in his dating profile, in a real life setting, and he so happened to be 5’11.

This isn’t so bad.

Nor would most guys notice it were they to meet a woman who stated that she was of average build in her dating profile, in a real life setting, and she so happen to have a few extra pounds on her that were evenly distributed across her body.

Not a big deal.

But when a guy blatantly lies about his height, adding so many inches to it on his dating profile, there is no forgiving this.

He is making a real effort to deceive and this is never fair.

All you have to go on is his dating profile.

That is the nature of online dating.

At the start, all you have to go on is what you see on a person’s dating profile.

The onus is on everyone to be as honest as possible in their dating profile so that they don’t end up wasting people’s time.

In blatantly lying about his height, he has indicated that he doesn’t care about your time.

He only cares about himself and getting what he wants out of online dating at the cost of everyone else.

When a guy lies so blatantly about his height, it doesn’t take much for him to lie about other things.

He lies about his income.

Why not?

He was able to lie about his height.

He might as well lie about his income.

He follows this up with lying about where he went to school or what part of town he grew up.

Whatever it takes to make him look good, he does it.

Lying about his height was just the beginning.

Choosing to go out on a date with this guy, rewards him for his lie, which further emboldens him to lie about other things.

Before you know it, you don’t know what to believe about this guy.

This is no way to build a relationship.

A relationship built on lies doesn’t have a foundation.

It crumbles eventually and could leave you devastated emotionally.

Best to avoid this while it is still early.

Although you initially agreed to going out on a date with him, that was before you found out that he blatantly lied about his height.

That changes everything.

You now have every right to cancel on that date and unmatch this man.