How To Know Whether A Person’s Dating Profile Photos Have A Filter?

How To Know Whether A Person's Dating Profile Photos Have A Filter?

Filtered photos on a dating profile have a number of characteristics that makes it easier to tell they are filtered.

For one, the sharpness of the image is extremely pronounced.

It looks a bit too perfect.

The edges of her photo are way too crisp.

This sharpness creates an ultra-clearness to her photo.

The filtered photo is so clear, it removes blemishes.

The imperfections of her face are filtered out by this clearness.

When a face is absent of imperfections, it is obvious you are looking at a filtered photo.

Natural wrinkles in her face are gone.

Black spots are gone.

Pockmarks are gone.

With filtered photos, there is pure perfection.

As a human being, you should instantly know that there is something about these photos that isn’t realistic.

A human being’s face, no matter how pretty, has imperfections.

A filtered photo removes these imperfections.

Thanks to the artificial sharpness, there is a clarity to her photos that aren’t natural.

A filtered photo has a color correction that is substantial.

A person’s natural face has heat centers.

These are areas where heat accumulates the most, with a greater number of blood vessels.

These areas naturally get flushed when there is physical exertion or temperature fluctuation.

The cheek and nose areas are the likeliest areas for heat accumulation in the face.

These are the primary zones of blood accumulation in the face.

It’s natural for these heat signatures to be visible in these areas of the face in photos that are taken in natural light.

Filtered photos use color correction to remove these heated areas.

When you look at these filtered photos, it looks like she has literally used a digital brush to brush over these heat-sensitive areas of her face to make her facial color more even with the color of the rest of her face.

A face with a uniform skin color isn’t natural.

There are bound to be heat-sensitive areas that cause an unevenness to the color texture of the face’s skin.

When a face is completely evened out in color, you are looking at a photo that has a filter.

Color correction on a filtered photo goes further than this.

It deepens the richness in color and texture of certain areas of the face that she wants to draw attention to.

These tend to be areas that are widely regarded as beauty zones on a face.

Color correction deepens the color and texture in these areas.

Her blue eyes are further enhanced with color correction.

It’s a much richer blue than her natural blue eye color.

Her hair is further enhanced.

Though she is a natural dirty blonde, a filter enriches the blonde effect of her hair, making it more refined and rich.

Her naturally thin eyelashes are given greater depth and definition, looking too perfectly lined and filled to be authentic.

When you take the time to look at these details, instead of getting too caught up in her beauty, you easily pick up on the cues that indicate that a photo has been filtered.