Online Dating: Girls That Put Their Socials In Their Bio?

Online Dating: Girls That Put Their Socials In Their Bio?

In almost all occasions, girls that put their socials in their bio are looking to grow their following.

Granted, there are a small minority of girls whose primary intention is to verify that you are who you say you are, and as a bonus, get further insight into what your life looks like, but we will talk about these girls later on in the article.

The bulk of girls that put their socials in their bio are looking to grow their following.

Girls that do this are breaking the terms of service of a good number of dating apps.

Dating apps don’t like this practice.

Do yourself and other guys a favor by reporting or flagging these dating accounts, so that the dating app removes them.

The less of them there are, the better the online dating experience.

Unfortunately, lots of men on dating apps are fooled by these socials and send direct messages or DMs to these girls on said socials.

These DMs are of no interest to her in most occasions, and lots of these guys are left wondering why she didn’t respond to them.

Even on the rare occasion she responds, the conversations rarely go anywhere.

She responds once or twice, and it fizzles out.

A girl like this already has a legion of male followers.

This is easy to discern by looking at the people who follow her.

These are overwhelmingly men.

Many of these guys went down the same rabbit hole.

He saw her socials on a dating app, went to her social media, and sent her a direct message.

Her inbox is overpopulated with direct messages from men like this.

If she responds to any of them, she would be incredibly selective.

And again, even in a situation where she does respond, these are short responses that ultimately fizzle out.

She isn’t excited about talking to the guy.

He is just one of many she suckered into following her from a dating app.

This isn’t a crowd that impresses her.

Is this what you want?

To be one of throngs of thirsty, desperate men from dating apps vying for her attention?

This lessens your value in her eyes, which makes it much harder for her to look at you as a viable potential partner.

As you can see, whether she responds to your direct message or not, you are not in a promising situation.

This makes going to her social media and sending her a direct message not worth your time.

I get it.

She is hot.

She is super attractive and the pictures on her dating profile are eye-catching.

Don’t get so caught up in what you see.

This leads you down the wrong path, thinking that going to her social media is going to give you access to her.

It normally doesn’t.

You simply become another follower who adds to her online presence, which gives her greater clout to make money through getting sponsorships or collaborating with commercial brands.

It’s about influence and money.

You would basically be used as a pawn.

Now, let’s address the minority of girls that put their socials in their bio with the primary intention to verify that you are who you say you are, and get further insight into what your life looks like.

There is a big difference between these women and those who put their socials in their bio entirely motivated to grow their follower base.

These women aren’t in a hurry to get you to follow them on their social media.

They talk to you over time to see whether there is chemistry.

If there is, they suggest moving over to social media.

The girls who are primarily looking to grow their follower base for their personal gain are very quick to tell you to go to their social media.

This happens within the first or second conversation she has with you.

Her primary concern is to quickly grow her follower base on social media, and she doesn’t have the patience to take the time to talk to you and build rapport on a dating app.