Online Dating: Shall I Ask Her To Be My Girlfriend?

Online Dating: Shall I Ask Her To Be My Girlfriend?

In the wake of matching with her on a dating app, it has been a whirlwind of a time.

The online conversations were so good, you asked her out to a date.

The first date was amazing, and consequent dates too.

You have since been intimate with her, and although that has been fun, your interest in her goes much deeper.

You have already met several of her friends and family members, and they love you.

The love is mutual.

Right now, it feels right to ask her to be your girlfriend, but you are nervous about doing it.

Although you have been out on a number of dates with her, it hasn’t been that long since you met each other on a dating app and started going out on dates.

About a month.

Yet, it doesn’t feel like it has only been a month.

It’s been such a whirlwind of a time, it feels as though you have known her for years.

This been said, you don’t want to mess this up.

You don’t want to ruin what you have built with her so far by asking her to be your girlfriend a month in to courting her, and turning her off.

At the same time, you have had conversations with her where she seemed to drop hints about wanting you to officially ask her to be your girlfriend.

You don’t want to make too much of these moments, but they have given you the impression that she sounds ready to be asked to be your girlfriend.

Though uncertain about asking her to be your girlfriend, let me tell you this.

Be happy that you are in this position.

Loads of guys who are courting girls right now would love to be in the position you are in now. A position where you are hitting it off amazingly well with a girl.

I would love to tell you that you should ask her to be your girlfriend right now, this minute, but I have to get real with you.

You still have work to do.

Since you are already friendly with her friends and family, ask a few of them about how quickly she got into her previous relationships.

This is where you gain valuable information.

Valuable information that enlightens you about how her previous relationships fared.

To your surprise, you might learn that the relationships she got into quickly, lasted the least, whereas the relationships that took a while to become official, lasted longer.

In truth, this is actually the best route to go about this.

As excited as you are about this girl, you are still in the early stages of courting her.

Asking a girl to be your girlfriend when you have been courting her for less than 3 months is dicey.

It reduces the chances that you have a long-term successful relationship.

Giving it at least 3 months before asking her to be your girlfriend is the right approach.

It gives either one of you more time to learn about your flaws.

Less than one month of dating doesn’t give you this vantage point.


Lots of people are at their best behavior in the first few weeks of dating.

Everyone is filled with dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that enhances pleasure.

Both of you are filled with this when it is this early.

You don’t get to see each other’s flaws until the dopamine release has slowed down.

This takes at least 3 months on average.

I know you are excited about her, but as long as you are going out on regular dates with her, she isn’t going anywhere.

Give it at least 3 months before asking her to be your girlfriend.