Online Dating: Is A Third Date Too Soon To Tell Her I Like Her?

Online Dating: Is A Third Date Too Soon To Tell Her I Like Her?

A third date with her is a strong sign that you are connecting as a duo.

There is nothing wrong with telling her that you like her on a third date, as long as you don’t do it in a way that gives her the impression that you expect her immediate loyalty.

Being that you met her on a dating app, the temptation is to tell her that you like her in the hopes that she deletes her dating profile, stops talking to or dating any other guy who is courting her, and gives you her complete attention.

Be careful that you don’t give her this impression.

It puts her in an awkward position where she feels the pressure to reciprocate.

She signed up on a dating app to find her best match.

That best match could be you.

She doesn’t know that yet.

Until then, like the majority of women who sign up on a dating app, she wants to be introduced to a fair number of dating prospects.

Telling her you like her on a third date with an obvious intention to get her to give up on these dating prospects could ruin whatever momentum you had already built with her in the first two dates.

It’s like you are looking to her to make a decision right there and then about committing to you and ending her online dating adventure.

It’s too soon and it’s too much for her.

Although you are certain that she is the girl you want to date exclusively, there is no certainty that she is on the same wavelength.

Yes, the first two dates went well and she seemed to have a blast, but that doesn’t mean you are now in a position to get her to date you exclusively.

This is when you let your emotions get the best of you, and this alone has a potential to ruin everything you have built up with her so far.

Even though you like her and it feels like you have known her your whole life, you only recently met her on a dating app and have only been on two dates with her.

That isn’t that much time at all.

To put pressure on her this soon in getting her to entertain the thought of exclusivity with you is too premature and presumptuous.


It has only been two dates.

You require extra time to get to know her better too.

No matter how good the last two dates have been, you don’t know who she is as a person yet.

There is so much left to learn.

Take the time to get to know one another better.

Time uncovers the truth.

It let’s you know whether she is for real or fake.

Meanwhile, keep your dating options open too.

A dating app is designed for people to meet as many romantic potentials as they can handle in their quest to find the right one.

Talk to a few other girls that you get matched with.

This gives you a distraction so that you aren’t so carried away with this one girl.

This makes it less likely that you let your emotions get the best of you, and as a consequence, unwittingly put too much pressure on her.

In a few weeks, as you go on further dates, there should be a much clearer picture on whether you two are meant for each other.