Why Is Everyone On Dating Apps Into Hiking, Biking, Traveling And Going On Solo Trips?

Why Is Everyone On Dating Apps Into Hiking, Biking, Traveling And Going On Solo Trips?

There is so much of it on dating apps, there is no ignoring it.

A never-ending stream of dating profiles that mention a love of hiking, biking, traveling and going on solo trips.

It doesn’t end.

You have no issue with these activities, but you are a very simple girl.

Staying in, going to movies, and taking walks in the city is what you love.

There is a significant amount of joy that permeates through your body when you are doing these seemingly mundane activities.

Is this too boring and ordinary?

Does it make you less attractive to prospective matches on a dating app?

It is beginning to feel that way, considering you haven’t received that many matches since you signed up.

All you want is to match with someone who wants to enjoy the simpler aspects of life.

Staying home and watching the sun rise in your backyard gives you joy.

Watching movies, whether at home or at a local theater, makes you smile.

Taking walks in the city exhilarates you.

These activities aren’t as sexy as hiking, biking, traveling and going on solo trips, but you love them.

I hear you.

As a laid-back girl, you get joy out of the simpler things in life.

Here is the good news.

Everything isn’t as it seems on dating apps.

The dating profiles that mention a love of hiking, biking, traveling and solo trips, shouldn’t always be taken at face value.

Some of these guys are fully aware that mentioning that they are into hiking, biking, traveling and solo trips gives them a better shot at getting matches.

Being that guys don’t receive anywhere near as many matches on dating apps as women do, some are compelled to devise strategies that give them better odds at receiving a greater amount of matches.

He knows that these activities are popular with women.

That is why a good number of these men include these activities in their dating profiles.

He isn’t always lying about indulging in these activities, but he isn’t anywhere near as into these activities as he wants a woman to believe.

The primary goal is to attract a greater number of matches from women.

To figure out whether he is someone who is using this strategy to attract a greater number of matches, observe how he goes about expressing his love of these activities.

When his bio isn’t filled with pictures of these activities, and the pictures that are there have him not looking all that enthused as he participates in said activities, he isn’t into the activities as much as he wants a woman to believe.

A bio that has him mentioning a love for these activities, but devoid of personal anecdotes in reference to these activities, he isn’t as into these activities as he wants a prospective match to believe.

This is how you know the guy has included these activities in his dating profile to attract a larger amount of women to his dating profile, but isn’t all that into these activities.