Online Dating: Is It Worth It To Swipe Right On Women Taller Than You?

Online Dating: Is It Worth It To Swipe Right On Women Taller Than You?

Never feel that it is a wasted swipe whenever you swipe right on a woman that is taller than you on a dating app.

It worries you that swiping right on a woman who is taller than you is not a safe bet, being that women have a tendency to gravitate to taller men.

Never let this stop you from swiping right on women taller than you on a dating app.

Women aren’t monolithic in what they like in a partner.

Yes, the majority of women prefer dating a taller man, but it doesn’t mean that height is the only thing she cares about in a partner.

Never let the notion that it is all about height with women get into your head.

This notion creates an insecurity that works against you.

It leads to a belief that you aren’t worth much, which sets of a signal that you don’t have confidence.

This is never attractive to women, regardless of whether she is taller than the man or not.

Confidence is one of those qualities that sets a man apart from everyone else.

It transcends height.

When you exude confidence and self-assuredness, you are showing women an attractive quality that they adore in men.

On a dating app, you get to exude confidence in how you write your bio and the photos that you use.

A woman senses whether you have confidence through these avenues.

Confidence is exuded in a bio through how upbeat and gregarious you sound.

With your photos, confidence is conveyed when you are participating in activities you are clearly passionate about, and you are good at.

Conveying confidence is what makes you the most appealing to her, regardless of what your height is.

If you are still convinced that women that are taller than you would never date you, do an experiment the next time you go out in public.

Observe the women who are partnered up with men.

The couples.

A number of those women are taller than their male counterparts.

This occurs everywhere you go.

Whether you go to a mall, grocery store, post office, coffee shop, etc., you see women who are taller than their male partners.

Not convinced?

Take a look at the people in your own life.

Those who are partnered up among your family members, friends, acquaintances, or coworkers.

Yet again, among this bunch, there are several examples of women who are taller than their male partners.

Let this give you reassurance in knowing that women aren’t monolithic in what they are looking for in a partner.

As long as you don’t convey a sense of insecurity and a lack of confidence in your dating profile, you should swipe right on the dating profiles of the women you are attracted to, including those of taller women.

Tall men aren’t perennially a home run with women.

There are tall men who lack personality, relying instead on their height to attract women.

Although, his height attracts a woman initially, she doesn’t stick around for long once she realizes that his personality is deficient.

This is where you have a great advantage, given that you have a great personality.

A dynamic personality is a major plus with women, irrespective of a guy’s height.